Yonlay Cabrera (b. 1988) is a media artist and motion designer whose work explores the intersection of technology, art, and speculative concepts. His work usually engages with cutting-edge technologies and animation techniques to create artworks that not only serve aesthetic purposes but also provoke critical thought about the past and future of humanity and technology. Currently, he is focused on exploring different forms of data narratives that inform speculative abstraction.
He holds a P.h.D in Arts from Tama Art University, Tokyo, Japan; a Master's in Media Art, Tama Art University Graduate School, Information Design Department, Tokyo, Japan and a Bachelor's Degree in Art History from the University of Havana, Havana, Cuba. His work has been internationally exhibited at Ars Electronica Festival, Linz, Austria; Wifredo Lam Center, Havana, Cuba; New Museum, New York, US; Havana Biennale, Cuba; Contemporary Cuban Art Salon, Cuba. He obtained the MONBUKAGAKUSHO: MEXT scholarship (2017-2021), Japan; BIG D@T@! BIG MON€Y! Grant by HALLE 14, Germany; Studio 21 Grant, Cuba. He has lectured at Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art and Design. Wrocław, Poland; Ceniadiap-INBAL. Ciudad de México, México; Annual Conference on Simulation Technology (JSST 2019), Miyazaki, Japan; and International Conference on Micro-Fiction, Kentucky, USA. The paper resulting from his work The Unveiled City was published in Leonardo Journal (509–516, 2023).
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P.h.D in Arts at Tama Art University (Tokyo, Japan).
Master's in Media Art, Tama Art University Graduate School, Information Design Department (Tokyo, Japan).
University Bachelor's Degree of Art History, Arts and Letters Faculty of University of Havana, Havana, Cuba.
Fine Arts High School Education. Eduardo Abela Provincial Academy of Fine Arts, Havana, Cuba.
Grants / Prizes / Residences
Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho: MEXT) Scholarship, Japan.
Iwamotocho Studio - 3331 Artist in Residence. Tokyo, Japan
BIG D@T@! BIG MON€Y! Grant by HALLE 14 - Center for Contemporary Art, Germany.
Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho: MEXT) Scholarship, Japan.
Estudio 21 Grant. Development Center of Visual Arts, Cuba.
2nd Prize. Next Nature. The I-Node of the Planetary Collegium Ionion Center for the Arts & Culture, Kefalonia Island Greece.
- Contest Category: Journalist Chronique. Havana, Cuba.
Springhouse Residency. Dresden, Germany.
Antonia Eiriz Grant. supported by Hermanos Saíz Association. Havana, Cuba.
1st Prize. 1er Concurso Nacional de Microrrelatos por SMS Mancuspia+53 Havana, Cuba.
Solo Shows
BED Series. Tama Art University Doctoral Program Graduation Exhibition 2024. Art-théque Gallery, Tama Art University, Tokyo, Japan.
VK procedure (Tokyo version). 3331 Art Chiyoda Center, Tokyo, Japan.
<H1> Hello Tokyo </ h1>. ARTnSHELTER Gallery, Tokyo, Japan.
CINCO ENSAYOS DE FOTOGRAFÍA CONCEPTUAL EN COLABORACIÓN (in co-authorship with Nestor Siré). Villena Gallery, Havana, Cuba.
Revistas de cabecera (in co-authorship with Dianett Quintana). Gorría workshop-gallery, Havana, Cuba.
DIAGRAMS 2017. Carmelo González Gallery (as part of the Seventh Contemporary Cuban Art Salon), Havana, Cuba.
Inventory. Ludwig Foundation, Havana, Cuba.
Frequency and time. Casa 26, Havana, Cuba.
Voigth-Kampff. Development Center of Visual Arts, Havana, Cuba.
Synesthesia (sounds of Havana). Provincial Center of Fine Arts and Design Luz y Oficios. Collateral show to 12 Havana Biennial, Cuba.
HelloWorld Project. AHS National Navigation Room, Cuban Pavillon, Havana Cuba.
My Family calls from 15512 SW 39 St.Miami Fl33185 (U.S.A). 6th Contemporary Cuban Art Saloon, Havana, Cuba
Selected Group Shows
BIG D@T@! BIG MON€Y! HALLE 14 - Center for Contemporary Art, Germany.
Ars electronica Festival Linz, Austria.
SDR. Havana Biennial, Havana, Cuba.
Time to play. El oficio Gallery, la Habana, Cuba.
GlitchMix, Not an error. Estudio Figueroa-Vives, Havana, Cuba.
Hecho en cuba-Producciones. Galería Carmelo González, Havana, Cuba.
El experimento. Development Center of Visual Arts, Havana, Cuba.
Open your eyes. Galiano Gallery, Havana, Cuba.
Semana de arte contemporáneo. Ciego de Avila, Cuba.
Cool war: Game Art across the straights. Wifredo Lam Contemporary Art Center, Havana, Cuba.
Playing seriously/ Expanded painting. Development Center of Visual Arts, Havana, Cuba.
Nano (remake). Development Center of Visual Arts, Havana, Cuba.
Footnote. Espacio Abierto Gallery, Havana, Cuba.
Mayabeque - Acceso Directo. Teodoro Ramos Gallery, Havana, Cuba.
Post-it 3, Expoventa de Arte Cubano Contemporáneo. Artis 718 Gallery, Havana, Cuba.
Nano. Teodoro Ramos Gallery. Collateral Show to 12 Havana Biennial, Havana, Cuba.
¿Cuál es tu necesidad? El arsenal Studio. Collateral Show to 12 Havana Biennial, Havana, Cuba.
Star Game. Villa Manuela Gallery, Havana, Cuba.
Next Nature: Bonjour Monsieur Courbet. The I-Node of the Planetary Collegium Ionion Centerfor the Arts & Culture, Cephalonia island, Greece.
Nueva Carpeta(2). Vedasto Acosta Gallery, Mayabeque, Cuba.
Hacking Lily. Higher Art Institute (ISA). 11 Havana Biennial, Havana, Cuba.
Nueva Carpeta. Vedasto Acosta Gallery, Mayabeque, Cuba.
Research Methods in Visual Art Symposium. Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art and Design. Wrocław, Poland.
Foldable Tent Design thought Iconic Representation. 38th JSST Annual International Conference on Simulation Technology (JSST 2019), Miyazaki, Japan.
La presencia en La Habana de Sadú Darié. II Coloquio presencias europeas en Cuba, personalidades europeas en Cuba, Palacio del segundo cabo Museum, Havana, Cuba.
Las investigaciones inconclusas de Sandú Darié. Development Center of Visual Arts, Havana, Cuba
Ficción dactilar. Tradición e innovación en los primeros hiperbreves cubanos por sms. (In co-authorship with Ihoeldis Rodríguez). Development Center of Visual Arts, Havana, Cuba
El arte de los Nuevos Medios. Conference. II Vita Brevis Young Arts Saloon, Cienfuegos, Cuba
El arte de los Nuevos Medios en Cuba. Entre la voluntad tecnológica y la intención artístico-conceptual. ACERCA Workshop program, supported by the Cultural Council Embassy of Spain in Cuba
Arte y Nuevas tecnologías. 6th Contemporary Cuban Art Saloon. Havana, Cuba
Poesía y new media. Intercambio sobre la (re)interpretación de la poesía con/sobre/desde los Nuevos Medios. Pablo de La Torriente Brau Cultural Center, International Book Fair of Havana, Cuba
Yonlay Cabrera, Luis Diago; The Unveiled City: Multicultural Representation of Tokyo by Hashtag Labeling on Instagram. Leonardo 2023; 56 (5): 509–516. doi:
In the interplay between Invention and Art: A comparative analysis of Kenji Kawakami's Chindōgu and John Quincy St. Clair's patent applications. Tama Art Studies. (2022). Tama Art University, Graduate School of Art and Design.
La presencia en La Habana de Sandú Darié. (2018). In Coloquios presencias europeas en Cuba, Memorias 2017-2018 (pp. 172-175). Havana: Oficina del Historiador de la Ciudad.
#232322. (2017). Artecubano (1), 82-87.
Los resquicios entre creación y política en la obra de Levi Orta. (2017). C de cuba (23). Retrieved from C de cuba.
Semblanza personal. (2017). C de Cuba (22). Retrieved from C de Cuba.
Desde la mirada del otro. (2016, April 6). Bisiesto (2).
Footnote. Espacio Abierto Gallery, Havana, Cuba.
Dota DEATHMATCH, o la posibilidad de establecer relaciones sociales sobre un interés en común. (2015). Retrieved from Portal de las artes visuales en Cuba.
Cómo tomar a la institución por la fuerza. (2015, July 1). Retrieved from ArtOnCuba.
La incertidumbre como condición. (2015, July 2). Retrieved from Art OnCuba.
Nuevos Medios, una categoría útil. (2015, March 15). Hazlink (009-1), 10-11.
#232322. (2015, March 9). Retrieved from Portal de las Artes Visuales en Cuba
Fidel García y su #232322. (2015, February 10). Retrieved from Art OnCuba.
Flavio Garciandía en el Centro de Arte Contemporáneo Wifredo Lam. (2014, December 1). Retrieved from Portal de las artes visuales en Cuba
Terminal: experiencia de vida, 3 días. (2014, July 14). Retrieved from Habanastreetview.
Luis Gómez y Antonio Margolles en el Centro Wifredo Lam. (2014). Noticias de Arte cubano (3.014), p. 6.
EXPLOITS (Etapa 4). (2013). Noticias de Arte cubano (11-013), pp. 10-11.
Expo sin concepto. (2013, November). Retrieved from Cubanow
Apócrifo de Carlos Quintana. (2013, May 21). Retrieved from Cubanow.
Una presencia efectiva desde lo casi inasible: Camilo Martínez y Gabriel Zea. (2012). Ojeada (4).
Las virtualidades de Rewell Altunaga. (2012). Ojeada (17).
Liosi, M. (2017, July 27). The digital revolution in Havana: between liberation and submission. openDemocracy. Retrieved from openDemocracy.
Rodríguez, M. J. (2017). Abre bien los ojos. Noticias de Arte Cubano (11-12.016), pp. 14-15.
Peraza, M. (2017). Entrevista a Yonlay Cabrera: Centrar la perieria. Noticias de Arte Cubano (11-12.016), pp. 14-15.
Peraza, M. (2016). El peso de la indecisión está en el aire. Noticias de Arte Cubano (8.016), p. 12.
Gámez, C. (2016, February 17). Segundas partes/remake de una exposición. Retrieved from Esquife.
Nebrijo, N. G. (2016, February 11). El detector de mentiras cubano. Retrieved from El toque.
Calvo, O. (2015). El individuo y su contexto: el camino para ¿Cuál es tu necesidad?. Retrieved from Portal de las Artes Visuales en Cuba.
Estrada, J. L. (2015, November 8). El arte me escogió a mí. Juventud Rebelde.
Cruz, L. (2015, August 25). Yonlay Cabrera, juez y parte del arte joven. La calle del medio (88).
Rodríguez, Y. (2015, June 3). ¿Cuál es tu necesidad?. Retrieved from Art OnCuba.
Taboada, C., & Pries, R. (2015, May 29). COOL WAR: GAME ART a través de los Estrechos (Words to the Catalog). COOL WAR collective show.
Fernández, H. (2015). Start Game en Villa Manuela. Art OnCuba. Retrieved from Art OnCuba.
Yudith, V. (2015, February 16-28). HelloWorld: el Yolo sigue haciendo de las suyas. Hazlink (08), 4-5.
Yudith, V. (2015). You got a call…from Miami: otra manera de entender la obra de Yonlay Cabrera Quindemil. Retrieved from Cuban Art Tours.
No puedo negar mi fascinación por La Habana (interview). (2014, September 28). Retrieved from Habanastreetview.
Centrar la periferia. Development Center of Visual Arts. Havana, Cuba
National Program of Performance and Interventions Puente Sur. Mayabeque, Cuba
Mayabeque - Acceso directo (In co-authorship with Andrys Gil). Teodoro Ramos Gallery, Havana, Cuba.