2018. UX concept.
The project references the notation of the Japanese academic evaluation system to conceptualize a generic interface with the ability to activate any device. This interface will enable interaction through emotions with future responsive habitats capable of changing their shape.

Prolongation to infinity
2017. Construction system.
"Prolongation to Infinity" consists of large-scale parametric sculptures, where Cuban construction norms vis-à-vis the calculation of temporary structures in wood are interpreted, inspired by the Japanese carpentry tradition based on wooden framework systems.

2017-2018. Bipersonal show with Nestor siré
The Project consisted of five collaboration exercises (essays) that use photography as a conceptual motive according to the following rules: Photographic process, Seriality, No Post-production, Value as Information, and Present.

2017-2019. Video installation, Andriod app.
Traditional social research mechanisms are insufficient to understand the functioning of alternative social media in an offline context. The project proposes what we have called an "Offline Social Media" study based on the distribution network of Cuban independent magazines.

AgarioTG Teams
2015-2017. Interactive installation.
The work consists of an interactive installation where we present “AgarTG Teams” ( MOD) in controlled spaces of socialization in order to reproduce on a small scale the informal video game networks that clandestinely unite thousands of people in Cuba.

2013-2017. Participatory situation, videoinstallation
The Project is based on a procedure that allows measuring the involuntary ocular changes that happen in a group of people, determined according to categories that correspond with the “Ideological Apparatus of State” (Louis Althusser) used by the Cuban Government.