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2021. Speculative interface; Smart home concept, Computational architecture.

Description and concept

One of the primary concerns in UX Design is how to make interaction with technology as simple and intuitive as possible. The main drawback of this attempt, among many others, is that it entails an exponential embedded complexity in the technological part. Assuming its future viability as enabled by the use of artificial intelligence, the project consists of the simplest home automation controlling ever conceived, composed of just one interactive element. It allows the users solely to express their doubt in the quality of the system´s current state by pressing (or not) a button, inspired by the semantic use of the triangle in Japanese culture as applied with regards to academic evaluation.

Technical specifications

Year: 2021
Technique: Speculative interface; Smart home concept, Computational architecture. Hand Drawings over inkjet print (5 pieces A0 size), Animation (1920x1080, duration 00:03:10), custom document format.
Dimensions: Variable, minimmun: 3m x 5m

  • June 20, 2021. - Art and Tech Gallery, Tama Art University, Japan.


Direction and concept: Yonlay Cabrera.
Advisor: Akihiro Kubota.
3D modelling and animation: Yonlay Cabrera, Eduardo Cateura.
Music and Foley: Yurii Radko.
Voice-over: Chuck Brown.
Proofread: Robert Weyland.

Presentation - Tama Art University
Explainer video - Stills
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