2015. Virus, videodocumentation
Description and concept
The project consists of a computer virus that interprets the Borgian idea of an infinite universe, composed of infinite subdivisions of itself (Borges, 1949). The virus creates a window of the smallest possible size at regular intervals. When the user tries to close that window, it creates two instances of itself. When an attempt is made to close one of these instances, two additional new instances are created, and so on. The sequence ends when the N key is pressed.
The virus is distributed in a document attached to the invitation email of the exhibition where the work is presented.
"n" designates the set and each of the values that compose it • in an increasing sequence the value of n is undetermined since the possible subdivisions between two continuous values are infinite, even when the sum of all of them is not • n denotes the infinite subdivisions that govern the workings of matter.
Borges, J. L. (1949). La escritura del Dios. In Borges, Obras Completas 1923-1972 (p. 596). Buenos Aires: Emecé Editores.
Technical specifications
Title: n
Year of creation: 2015
Technique: Virus. Video documantation, NpfxTask.exe, mailing.
June 21, 2017. As part of Inventary solo show. Ludwing Fundation, Havana, Cuba.
January 15, 2016, NANO. Development Center of Visual Arts, Havana, Cuba.
February 15, 2015 (as part of HelloWorld project). Navigation room of AHS, Pabellón Cuba, Havana, Cuba.